• 3 сентября 2015, четверг
  • Москва, Онлайн вебинар

Webinar: TOEFL talks, GRE and Global Education Schоlarship Program

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3151 день назад
3 сентября 2015, начало в 12:00
Онлайн вебинар

Участники вебинара получат практические советы о том, как сдавать экзамены для поступления в зарубежные вуз — TOEFL и GRE, а также узнают подробности участия в Программе “Глобальное образование”.

Dear friends,

Global Education Scholarship Program and ETS Global representative in Russia are happy to offer a free practical webinar to Russian graduate students wishing to pursue Master’s and Ph.D. programs at one of 288 leading universities. 

The webinar will consist of three parts: presentation of the Global Education Schоlarship Program (GEP), TOEFL talks and GRE. Students will be given practical tips and advice about TOEFL and GRE exams that they need to take in order to get admission to a University and information about applying for the Global Education Program.


Webinar will be held on September 3, 12:00 MSK.


Global Education Program

Global Education Program is a Russian government-sponsored funding program designed to provide Russian citizens with opportunity for graduate and postgraduate studies at leading foreign higher educational institutions. The scholarship funds studies in the areas of science, engineering, medicine, education and management in social sphere. Besides tuition fees, the scholarship covers travel expenses, medical insurance, accommodation, meals, and academic literature: http://www.educationglobal.ru

TOEFL® Talks

FreeTOEFL® Talks webinar will provide test takers with information about the TOEFL iBT test including:

  • Overview of the TOEFL iBT test
  • The TOEFL test advantage
  • How to use your TOEFL scores
  • How to register for the test
  • Test preparation tools


Learn about the GRE® revised General Test and our test preparation tools, and chat with a GRE® representative.


The webinar will be delivered in Russian with some slides from presentations being in English.

Link for the webinar: https://etsglobal.adobeconnect.com/...

See you soon! 


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