• 20 января 2016, среда
  • Онлайн

Webinar: Study in Spain with Global Education

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3017 дней назад
20 января 2016 c 15:00 до 16:30

A free webinar for Russian graduate students wishing to pursue Master’s and Ph.D. programs at Spanish leading universities either in Spanish or in English.

Dear friends,

Global Education Scholarship Program is happy to start this year offering free "Study in Spain with Global Education" webinar to Russian graduate students wishing to pursue Master’s and Ph.D. programs at Spanish leading universities either in Spanish or in English. 

The webinar will consist of two parts: presentation of the Global Education Schоlarship Program and presentation of Spanish Higher Education System and Students' Life in Spain. The participants of the webinar will be provided with the information about applying for the Global Education Program, as well as with the practical tips and information which they will need to get admitted to a university.

The webinar will be run by the Global Education Program representatives and the following guest speakers — Teresa Udaondo, Senior Advisor for Institutionla Relations (Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education), Patricia Onieva, Europe, Asia and North Africa Programs Director, and Yulia Kuleva, Global Education Program finalist.

"Study in Spain with Global Education" webinar will be held on January 20, 15:00 MSK and will be delivered in English and Russian.

The webinar link: zoom.us/webinar/register/c72b004017...

See you soon!


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