• 29 февраля 2016, понедельник
  • Онлайн

Webinar: Writing a Winning Personal Statement with Global Education Program

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2972 дня назад
29 февраля 2016 c 12:00 до 13:30

A free webinar for Russian graduate students wishing to write a convincing personal statement.

Dear friends,

Personal statement is the only opportunity to "talk" directly to the admission tutors and persuade them to have you on board at your first choice university.

In the first part of this webinar you will explore why it is worthwhile devoting your effort, what to include and how to structure this important piece of writhing. You will also hear real life examples of ‘good’ vs ‘bad’ phrases to use as well as some tips on do’s and don’ts.

In the second part you will be provided with the information about applying for the Global Education Program and getting the grant that covers not only tuition fees but living expenses as well.

The webinar will be run by the Global Education Program representatives and the industry experts — one of the top UK university — the University of Warwick.

"Writing a Winning Personal Statement with Global Education Program" webinar will be held on February 29, 12:00 MSK and will be delivered in English and Russian.

The webinar link: zoom.us/webinar/register/12846ddef1... 

See you soon!


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