• 6 июня 2016, понедельник
  • Онлайн

Fresh Off the Boat: What You Should Know as a Future Postgraduate Student of a US University

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2882 дня назад
6 июня 2016 c 14:00 до 15:30

A free webinar for Russian graduates on culture and students’ life in the US and study funding opportunities.

The very moment you land in the country you are going to spend your next couple of years studying, you start taking in all the new, different and sometimes even mysterious things around you. You even may feel frustrated and experience culture shock (don't you worry — it's very typical for international students to react this way)! 


In order to help you out, Global Education Program team and advisors from EducationUSA center invite you to join our "Fresh Off the Boat" webinar! Whether you've just long ago been bitten by the travel bug, or are heading off on your first time abroad to study at one of the US university, you'll need to understand the culture(s) you're going to live in.


The webinar will be interesting not only for those waiting for an unconditional offer already, but for those looking for funding opportunities and only thinking of studying in the US just yet as well — in course of the webinar you all will be able to learn everything about Global Education Program, a Russian grant program designed to provide Russian citizens with opportunity for graduate and postgraduate studies at world leading universities.


You can join the webinar at zoom.us/webinar/register/a7a49bad7f...


See you online!


Photo credit: Fresh Off the Boat, ABC.


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