• 27 сентября 2016, вторник
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Medicine and Life Sciences at King's College London with Global Education

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2761 день назад
27 сентября 2016 c 16:00 до 17:30

A free webinar on studying Medicine and Life Sciences at King’s College London and study funding opportunities.

See yourself as a successful student in a white coat obtaining a Master’s or PhD degree at the heart of London but have not applied to any universities yet? High time to register for "Medicine and Life Sciences at King’s College London with Global Education" webinar then!


Why King’s College London?

The Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine of King’s College, ranked 21st in the world for Medicine according to QS World University Ranking by Subject 2016, is one of the largest and most successful centres for research and education in the UK.  The Faculty was created as a result of the merger of elements of the School of Biomedical Sciences with the School of Medicine. The merger brings together basic, translational and clinical scientists to provide new cross-divisional research collaborations while optimising the deployment of teaching expertise across the Faculty.


The Faculty has unparalleled expertise in basic, translational and clinical research in: forensic science; biophysics and cell biology; cancer; cardiovascular; nutrition and diabetes; genetics; infection and immunology; imaging and biomedical engineering; pharmaceutical science and many more. King’s College also has thriving research programmes in global health, and health and social care.


Join us now via zoom.us/webinar/register/747daf56a3... and find out about what King’s College London and its Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine have on offer for you, how Global Education Programme can help out at funding your studies and many many more!


See you online!


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