• 4 октября 2016, вторник
  • Онлайн

Study at Macquarie University with Global Education

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2758 дней назад
4 октября 2016 c 11:00 до 12:30

A free webinar for Russian graduates on studying at Macquarie University and study funding opportunities.

Thinking of pursuing your degree in Australia? Then Macquarie University might be the right choice for you!


For more than 50 years, Macquarie University has been a progressive voice across the world and continues to break new ground with research ranked in the top one per cent in the world. Located in the heart of Australia’s largest high-tech precinct, its Sydney campus brings together 40,000 students in one exciting hub of discovery. With a 5-star QS rating and a global reputation for its expertise in different areas, Macquarie produces graduates that are among the most sought after professionals in the world.


In course of the webinar you will be able to meet:


- Macquarie University international staff to know more about the university, programs and student life-style

- Students International advisors, partners of Macquarie University, to find out how to get admitted

- Global Education finalist and current MQ student who will share her thoughts on why to choose MQ and experience as well

-  Austrade representatives to learn more about the Australian education and its benefits

- Global Education Program consultants and find out how to get a grant for your studies


Register now and get the opportunity to study in the country you have been dreaming about for years at one of the world leading universities!


See you online!


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