• 25 апреля 2017, вторник
  • Онлайн

Study at the University of Exeter with Global Education

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2898 дней назад
25 апреля 2017 c 18:00 до 19:30

A free webinar on studying at the University of Exeter and study funding opportunities.

Global Education Programme is happy to start new webinar season offering free "Study at the University of Exeter with Global Education" webinar to those Russian graduate students wishing to pursue a Master’s degree in Construction Engineering in the UK. 


Why Exeter?

With students from over 140 different countries, academic staff staff of 50 different nationalities, and links to several universities worldwide, the University of Exeter offers a truly international, cosmopolitan student experience, as well as a safe learning environment in one of the most beautiful parts of the UK. The University’s strong reputation (it has consistently been ranked among the top 15 universities in the UK) and its outstanding student satisfaction results are just two of the factors which motivate overseas students to come to Exeter.  In addition, the University’s location in the South West of England offers access to some of the most beautiful cities, towns and villages in the UK, as well as to wild, rolling countryside, a rugged coastline and sandy beaches.

Exeter Construction Engineering programmes have the future needs of industry at their core. They are specifically designed to ensure its graduates are equipped with the skills, technical knowledge, and confidence to go out into the world and make a real difference.

The webinar will be run by the University of Exeter, ITEC and Global Education Programme representatives who will cover the following topics:

  • General overview of the University
  • Exeter as a study location
  • Postgraduate engineering programme offerings
  • Entry requirements
  • Fees and scholarships
  • Global Education Programme


Register now and join us on the 25th of April at 18:00 MSK!

Webinar link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/0c...


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