• 13 июля 2017, четверг
  • Онлайн

Study at the University of Melbourne with Global Education

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2797 дней назад
13 июля 2017 c 9:15 до 11:00

A free webinar on studying at the University of Melbourne and study funding opportunities.

Are you still unsure which university to choose and apply to? Have you ever considered studying in Australia? The University of Melbourne might be perfect for you!


Why Melbourne?

Established in 1853, the University of Melbourne is a public-spirited institution that has an outstanding reputation for excellence in teaching and research. Independently-published world rankings consistently place it as a leader in higher education in Australia, the Asia Pacific and around the globe.


The University offers its students a world of opportunities — apply to Melbourne and you will study alongside the best and brightest students in an environment focused on research impact and relevance, underpinned by a world-leading discipline base. Melbourne Uni also attracts the top range of researchers and collaborates with a wide variety of organisations to achieve positive research outcomes with global impact. And, on top of all that, with a history of over 160 years, it occupies a special place at the heart of our city’s cultural scene, as home to a number of museums, galleries and performing arts organisations.  


The webinar will be run by AustradeUniversity of MelbourneGlobal Class and Global Education Program representatives who will cover the following topics:

  • General overview of the University
  • Life in Melbourne
  • Postgraduate program offerings
  • Entry requirements
  • Fees and scholarships
  • Global Education Program
  • How to apply


Join us now and make a step towards your new life: zoom.us/webinar/register/db6391e099... 


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