• 15 июня 2017, четверг
  • Онлайн

Study at QUT and the University of Sydney with Global Education

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2825 дней назад
15 июня 2017 c 9:15 до 11:00

A free webinar on studying at Queensland University of Technology and the University of Sydney and study funding opportunities.

Planning your postgraduate studies in Australia but not sure which university you should apply to? We are here to help you out and welcome you at "Study at Queensland University of Technology and the University of Sydney with Global Education" webinar!


Why QUT?

QUT is an Australian university with a global outlook and a real-world focus. It is one of the nation’s fastest growing research universities and its courses are in high demand. Its campuses offer high quality learning, teaching and research spaces to better meet the needs of students, academics and researchers.

Queensland University of Technology is an ambitious and collaborative institution that seeks to equip its students and graduates with the skills they’ll need in an increasingly disrupted and challenged world. 


Why Sydney?


Heritage-listed, sandstone buildings stand side by side with ultramodern sophisticated ones on our main campus, which is surrounded by green park lands. The University of Sydney is also conveniently situated within close proximity to the city’s Central Business District (CBD) and also to Sydney’s world-renowned, stunning ocean beaches.

The University’s faculty is a mix of local and internationally recruited academics with extensive teaching, business and industry expertise. They bring years of knowledge gained from research in their respective fields into the classroom.


Thrilled to find out more? Register for our webinar! The webinar will be run by Austrade, Queensland University of TechnologyThe University of Sydney, and Global Education Program representatives who will cover the following topics:

  • General overview of the universities
  • Life in Brisbane and Sydney
  • Postgraduate program offerings
  • Entry requirements
  • Fees and scholarships
  • Global Education Program
  • How to apply

See you soon at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/31... 


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