• 20 июня 2017, вторник
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Study at Monash University & UNSW Sydney with Global Education

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2820 дней назад
20 июня 2017 c 9:15 до 11:15

A free webinar on studying at Monash University and UNSW Sydney and study funding opportunities.

See yourself as a successful engineer obtaining a Master’s degree in Australia but have not applied to any universities yet? High time to register for "Study at Monash University & UNSW Sydney with Global Education" webinar then!


Why Monash?

The University, named after Sir John Monash, a famous Australian who contributed to almost every level of Australian life, was established in Melbourne, Australia in 1958. In little more than 50 years Monash University has earned an enviable national and international reputation for research and teaching excellence. Taking inspiration from Sir John Monash, the university has created a world-class education  and research community, a community of progress, optimism and ambition. A community where brilliant students, researchers, ideas and solutions to some of the world’s great challenges are nurtured and thrived. 


Monash University is also a member of Australia’s Group of Eight, an alliance of elite Australian universities recognised for their excellence in teaching and research. Its eight members produce more that 70 per cent of all basic research conducted at all of Australia’s public universities. It is a testament to Monash research focus and ambition that it is the youngest member of this prestigious group, which includes some Australia’s longest-established universities.


Since its foundation, the university has embraced an unrelenting commitment to excellence — it backs this by offering the community access to world-class facilities, resources and support. As a result, its researchers have made discoveries that have had a significant impact in Australia and around the globe, achieving things that the world once didn’t think were possible. For instance, Monash research led to the world’s first laws requiring that seatbelts be installed in all new cars or demonstrated that human embryonic stem cells could generate specific types of body cells in the laboratory.


Want to know which Monash PG programs are eligible for GEP scholarship? Please visit the GEP section at Monash website or download a GEP brochure.


Why UNSW Sydney?

Established in 1949 with a unique focus on the scientific, technological and professional disciplines, UNSW Sydney is a leading Australian university committed to making a difference through pioneering research and preparing the next generation of talented global citizens for career success.

UNSW Sydney has a proud tradition of sustained innovation, focusing on areas critical to our future – from climate change and renewable energies to lifesaving medical treatments and breakthrough technologies. In the social sciences, UNSW Sydney research informs policy and expert commentary in key issues facing society ranging from human rights and constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australians to public health and population ageing.

UNSW Sydney offers an extensive range of postgraduate and research programs and attracts talented students from across Australia and around the world. Its 50,000-plus students come from 128 countries, making it one of Australia’s most cosmopolitan universities. Its emphasis on quality continues to push up entry standards with record demand from the State’s top school leavers. 

The main UNSW Sydney campus is located on a 38 hectare site at Kensington, seven kilometres from the centre of Sydney. Other major campuses are Art & Design in Paddington and UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy.


Are you Monash- or UNSW-minded? Let’s check it out — join our webinar and snatch the opportunity to talk to the representatives of the Universities, Austrade and Global Education Program!


Please join the webinar here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/d8... 


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