• 11 июля 2017, вторник
  • Онлайн

Study at the University of Glasgow with Global Education

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2799 дней назад
11 июля 2017 c 16:00 до 17:30

A free webinar on studying at the University of Glasgow and study funding opportunities.

Are you ready to join the people who have always been at the forefront of innovation and whose past achievements inspire current world changers? Then the University of Glasgow might be the right choice for you! 


Why the University of Glasgow?


The talents of some of the UK’s most influential political figures have been nurtured there. Award-winning writers have developed their craft. Human rights activists have gained their voice.

The University of Glasgow is a place that inspires ambitious people to succeed. A place where inquiring minds can develop their ideas. A place where talented people are given the space to realise their dreams.

Most importantly, UofG is open to the world. Its doors are open to the brightest minds, regardless of background, who wish to study at university. The University is open to collaboration and the exchange of knowledge with other universities, government and business. 

To continue to be a world-class and progressive university, the University of Glasgow is dedicated to bringing inspiring people together to change the world.‌


Thrilled to find out more? Ready to apply to but do not know where to start and how to fund your studies? Register for our webinar "Study at the University of Glasgow with Global Education"! You will receive the entry link the day before the actual webinar.


See you! Join us at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/ff...


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