• 20 июля 2017, четверг
  • Онлайн

Study at the University of Southampton with Global Education

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2790 дней назад
20 июля 2017 c 15:00 до 16:30

A free webinar on studying at the University of Southampton and study funding opportunities.

Studying in the UK has been one of your dreams for years but you never tried to apply to a UK university because you were not sure about funding? We are here to help and welcome you at "Study at the University of Southampton with Global Education" webinar!


Why Southampton? 

The University of Southampton is a research university placed in the city of Southampton on the southern coastline of England. The institute is known for its effective teaching activities and for aiming to having a positive impact on the local community and the environment.


Ranked in the top one per cent of universities in the world (QS World University Rankings 2018), with 200 taught courses and more than 90 research courses on offer, Southampton has the world-renowned academics and facilities to help you become the best in your field. Choosing to study at Southampton means becoming part of a dynamic, postgraduate community.

Take your place at the cutting-edge, among some of the most talented students and academics in the world.

Southampton is a great place to study, live and work. It offers a vibrant and varied nightlife, numerous leisure facilities and fascinating heritage attractions, as well as a marina and lots of green spaces. There really is something for everyone. Its waterfront location gives Southampton its own distinctive character. The city has a rich maritime heritage and a focus on water sports, sailing and ocean racing. It is well-connected too, with two mainline train stations, an international airport and easy access to cross-channel ferries.


The webinar will be run by the University of Southampton, Insight Lingua educational agency and Global Education Programme representatives who will cover the following topics:

  • General overview of the University
  • Life in Southampton
  • Postgraduate programme offerings
  • Entry requirements
  • Fees and scholarships
  • Global Education Programme
  • How to apply


Register now and make a step towards your new life! The entry webinar link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/55...


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