• 8 августа 2017, вторник
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Study at Queen's University Belfast with Global Education

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2771 день назад
8 августа 2017 c 13:00 до 14:30

A free webinar on studying at Queen’s University Belfast and study funding opportunities.

Have chosen the UK as your dream study destination and are now looking for a compact, welcoming and inexpensive city to live and study? Belfast and its Queen’s University Belfast are right here for you!


Why Queen’s University Belfast?

The UK’s ninth oldest university, Queen’s was founded as Queen’s College in 1845, and can trace its roots as far back as 1810. With more than 170 years of heritage, Queen’s combines an international reputation for academic excellence with a life-changing student experience and a culture of innovation.

Queen’s is part of an elite group of research intensive universities, known as the Russell Group; placing it alongside other UK heavyweights such as Oxford and Cambridge. Being part of the Russell group means that Queen’s is committed to maintaining the very best research and providing outstanding teaching to its students; all of which means a more relevant and valuable degree for you.

Over the past decade Queen’s has invested over £350m in the improvement of facilities, including the Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology, Queen’s Management School and the William J Clinton Leadership Institute at Riddel Hall. 

Its Students’ Union, societies and clubs will help you to meet and make friends with other students and feel part of campus life. Over 200 clubs and societies are a great way to meet friends, discover new talents, and get a break from studying.

Belfast is one of Europe’s most friendly and fashionable regional capitals, described by Lonely Planet as a ‘must-see visitor destination’. The beauty is that it’s all packed into a compact city that’s easy and safe to explore. Belfast is best explored on foot or by bike, and Queen’s central campus means that most places are within a short walking distance. The city is well connected by frequent bus and train services, with student travel discounts widely available. The Belfast Bikes public bicycle rental scheme provides a flexible way to get around Belfast.

Northern Ireland is renowned for its epic landscapes and coastal scenery, as well as fascinating history and cultural heritage, all a short distance to explore from Belfast. Travel along the Antrim Coast Road to the legendary Giant’s Causeway, or climb to the top of Slieve Donard, our most famous peak. 

The HBO television show, Game of Thrones is filmed throughout spectacular various locations around Northern Ireland. Tour the mountains, forests, castles and coastline featured on-screen to see for yourself why Northern Ireland was chosen as the perfect backdrop.


Thrilled to find out more? Register for our webinar right now!


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