• 3 октября 2017, вторник
  • Онлайн

Study at the University of East Anglia with Global Education

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2715 дней назад
3 октября 2017 c 15:00 до 16:30

A free webinar on studying at the University of East Anglia and study funding opportunities.

Still can not decide what university you should apply to? Want to make the find-the-university-of-your-dream process more efficient? Join "Study at the University of East Anglia with Global Education" webinar before visiting the UEA representatives at British Council fair and get all the information you need within 2 hours!


Why East Anglia?

The University of East Anglia was founded in 1963 and is now one of the top UK universities for research, teaching and overall student satisfaction. UEA is one of the World Top 200 in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and is a leading member of the Norwich Research Park, one of Europe’s biggest concentrations of researchers in the fields of environment, health and plant science. 


Based in the beautiful historic city of Norwich, the safe campus boasts award winning accommodation and one of the country’s largest sports complexes. With outstanding facilities and comprehensive support for international students, UEA offers a truly unrivalled study experience.


The University is one of the best universities in the UK for student satisfaction according to 2017 National Student Survey. An internationally renowned university based on a distinctive and attractive campus, in the historic city of Norwich, prides itself on the excellent academic, social and cultural facilities which it offers to over 15,000 students.


In course of the webinar you will be able to meet the representatives of the University of East Anglia and Global Education Programme, a Russian grant programme designed to provide Russian citizens with opportunity for graduate and postgraduate studies at world leading universities, who will cover the following topics:

- Overview of UEA (including rankings, facilities, location)

- Courses eligible for Global Education Programme funding

- Life as an international student in Norwich

- Details about how to apply to UEA

- Global Education Programme (GEP)

- Details about how to apply to GEP


Join us now and make a step towards your new life: zoom.us/webinar/register/945589cc90...


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