• 17 октября 2017, вторник
  • Онлайн

Study at the University of Edinburgh with Global Education

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2701 день назад
17 октября 2017 c 16:00 до 17:30

A free seminar on studying at the University of Edinburgh and study funding opportunities.

Thinking of studying at the University of Edinburgh and applying to Global Education Programme (GEP)? Find out about student life in Edinburgh with a GEP grant from the people who know it best: its staff and students.

Why the University of Edinburgh?

Edinburgh’s vibrant and stimulating environment is the perfect place for your postgraduate study and research. As a student at the University of Edinburgh, you will work with some of the most influential academics in your chosen field and learn about the very latest developments in your subject. 

Although the emphasis at postgraduate level is very much on independent study, support from our approachable teaching staff is always on hand. Students undertaking taught masters programmes even will be allocated a Personal Tutor, who will offer one-to-one guidance and support. 

Edinburgh is without doubt one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is Scotland’s historic and cosmopolitan capital and home to nearly half a million people, including more than 35,000 students studying at the University. As walkable as it is wonderful, you’ll find something new (and old) to inspire you every day.

Beneath its famous architectural skyline, amongst the ancient buildings and cobbled streets, you’ll find the places that will become part of your history – the basement music venues, green spaces, sports clubs and vibrant cafés that bring the city to life in all its diversity. Whatever you do, it’s good to know you’ll be doing it in the UK’s safest city.

Edinburgh is rightly proud of its place in history but it continues to shape the contemporary world too. Home to tech giants such as RockStar North and Skyscanner, it is also the largest financial centre in the UK outside London. As one of the University’s recent graduates put it, “There are a lot of world-class universities, but how many of them are in world-class cities?”


Want to know more? Join our webinar on the 17th of October at 4 pm MSK! 


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