• 25 октября 2017, среда
  • Онлайн

Study at Cardiff University with Global Education

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2693 дня назад
25 октября 2017 c 16:00 до 17:30

A free webinar on studying at Cardiff University and study funding opportunities.

Want to be a student of a world leading university and live in a thriving and attractive city which is widely recognised as an outstanding place in which to live and study? Apply to Cardiff University! 


Why Cardiff University?

Cardiff University, a Russell Group university, has been producing successful graduates since the first students entered in 1883. The University has changed dramatically in the last 130 years but the commitment to quality education and a challenging, supportive and rewarding university environment remains.

Studying at Cardiff University may be different from the style of teaching in Russia. You will be expected to use the libraries and internet to research topics. You will be asked to contribute your opinion, collate information and present and present evidence. You own ideas will be encouraged. Cardiff University is an innovator in "problem-based" learning. This means your lecturers will set you a "problem" and you will have to work out the answer. This is a much more effective method of learning than just from a book.

Cardiff Uni’s teaching and learning at postgraduate level encourages the development of higher levels of subject specific and transferable skills, independence and teamwork, all attributes valued by employers.


Cardiff caters for many tastes, offering everything from the excitement of the city to the peace and tranquillity of the nearby coast and countryside. Cardiff has an abundance of urban green spaces. Our 330 parks and gardens reach right into the heart of the city, with extensive areas of peaceful parks and gardens close to the city centre. 

When it comes to entertainment, Cardiff is well-equipped to satisfy student needs. In addition to the facilities provided in the University’s Students’ Union, there is a multitude of cafes, pubs and nightclubs. Also the University Concert Hall provides venues for classical music lovers, with regular recitals and concerts. The world-acclaimed Welsh National Opera is based in Cardiff, while for those who prefer drama, Cardiff has two thriving theatres and a large well-established arts centre. There are also comedy clubs and several multi-screen cinemas in the city centre.


Register for our webinar now and make a step towards your new life in Cardiff!


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